This year's Board of Directors Meeting was held on Thursday May 13, 2015 at the home of Art and Maureen McKinnon. Following are notes from the meeting:
The New York State Federation of Lake Associations (FOLA) conference is held annually at the White Eagle Conference Center in Hamilton at the beginning of May. LPBA will be sending Dick and Kay Bridge to the conference in 2016. Check out their website for more info:
The weed harvester was used on the lower pond in the fall of 2013 and a noticeably lower amount of weeds was seen throughout the summer of 2014. Due to the water level of the pond being so low throughout the past winter, as well as the severity of the winter this past year, it was decided to wait an see the effects this will have on the weeds before scheduling the weed harvester this year.
Only 11 members paid their dues in 2013. Please mail or drop off you dues to Rebecca Nelson (see the membership page for her contact information).
The speed limit on Wendover Road was lowered 5 MPH to 30 MPH.
There is no collective pond clean-up necessary this year.